The Regular Court Activities resume Monday 9th January 2023 at the National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN) nationwide, signalling the End-of-the-Year 2022 vacation.
The vacation notice was announced via a circular signed on November 2022 by the Industrial Court President, His Lordship, Hon. Justice Benedict Kanyip, PhD, OFR where it was stated that normal Court sitting shall resume on Monday 9th January 2022.
The National Industrial Court has exclusive jurisdiction on civil causes and matters relating to or connected with any labour, employment, trade unions, industrial relations and matters arising from the workplace, the conditions of service, including health, safety, the welfare of labour, employee, worker, and matters incidental thereto or connected therewith;
Relating to, connected with or arising from the Factories Act, Trade Disputes Act, Trade Unions Act, Labour Act, Employees’ Compensation Act or any other Act or Law relating to labour, employment, Industrial relations, workplace or any other enactment replacing the Acts or Laws; etc
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