By Abubakar Sani.
What does Arch. Tutu have in common - With the NBA President, Mr. Olumide? 'What a question', I hear you say! Little, of course - beyond the obvious
That, they are both black African men - And are devout Christians; There, the comparison ends; As, beyond those, they are poles apart
For, whilst one is a clergyman - The other is a legal practitioner; Those differences, however, mean nothing - Compared to their shared humanity
For, they've stood up to be counted - On the side of the oppressed - The downtrodden and the outcast; Risking everything in that regard
They are, obviously,, two of a kind; Which, some will say might be astrological; For their birthday - the 7th of October - Falls smack within the Libra zodiac sign
Famously symbolised by the scales of justice - Their love of harmony and balance - Is not some esoteric, academic pursuit; No, they are willing to speak truth to power
Their women are gifted homemakers - Decorators and conversationalists; And, are often the life of the party; Where would we be, then, without these torchbearers?
Among whom are Afrobeat music legend, Fela - And, Hon. Justices Fatayi-Williams and Oputa - CJN and JSC, respectively - Both of blessed memory
So, here's wishing our celebrants - living or dead. All the very best - and good cheer; Yours is a life of inspiration and achievement; May it be so in heaven as it is on earth - amen! Book On “International Arbitration & ADR And The Rule Of Law”