My HRM father ignite my legal passion – Justice Opesanwo

Justice Aisat Opesanwo, one of the children of the Oniru of Iruland, HRM, Oba Idowu Oniru, in this interview with ‘NONYE BEN-NWANKWO talks about growing up days, her career and the role her father played in her life

As a daughter of a king, did it come with any form of privilege when you were growing up?

I was already an adult when HRM ascended the throne, although he had long before his enthronement, undergone extensive grooming in preparation for his future role as monarch and he undertook some important royal duties. My adolescent years were at the twilight of the reign of HRM’s father, HRH Yesufu Abiodun Oniru, Akiogun 1, the highly reverred Oniru of Lagos, my beloved grandfather, who joined his ancestors in 1984 after 50 glorious years on the throne. I was indeed truly close to him which, admittedly, attracted some privileges to me but also came with duties, responsibilities, expectations and restrictions. I, on several occasions, served as his escort, when he had to attend meetings of the Idejo Chiefs or the Traditional Council. I had the responsibility of attending to his wardrobe – and he was fastidious and very fashionable. I tidied up his room, his documents and other sundry duties. For a child, this can hardly be considered a privilege. However, this afforded me the invaluable opportunity and privilege to be involved in our traditions, meet some reverred and historic personalities, witness historic moments, understand and appreciate the duties of a monarch, the activities within the royal court and the character expected of a person aspiring to such an exalted position. All of these have been of immense benefit to me through the years and till this moment and I am grateful for the opportunity made possible only by the circumstance of my birth and hence, a privilege.

So how was growing up?

Growing up came fast. I have only just mentioned the duties, responsibilities and expectations on me. There were moments, certainly when I was like any child – playful, curious, adventurous and naive. I come from a rather large family where my grandfather’s surviving children – there were only two sons -lived with their wives and children in the same household with my grandfather. I never knew anyone of the children as my cousin as we were brought up as siblings and the eldest of my grandfather’s children – HRM – other than my grandfather, took decisions which had to be respected by all. His brother, my father – the late Otun Oba Alaba Oniru  whom we simply refer to as ‘Uncle’ and later ‘Prince’, were very close and  decisions were taken often in consultation with each other or having same ratified by HRM. It was a joyful and memorable childhood. We all had daily duties and responsibilities and that I guess, limited the time I in particular, would gladly have devoted to exuberant activities.

Did your father allow you to mix with children of other people?

We interracted with other persons, children and adults alike. We were brought up to respect all persons regardless of the circumstance of their birth or station in life. Yes, besides the pupils with whom I interracted at school, I had little opportunity for interraction with other children but, I cannot say with conviction that I missed out on any fun because of this since my siblings and other children within the royal court more than made up for this. It might be worth mentioning though that we maintained very warm relations with children of other Idejo households such as the Onikoyi and the Onisiwo to mention but a few.

Was it your father that decided you should study in the UK?

Certainly. Parents often desire the progress of their children and a sound education is widely appreciated as a mark of progress. Studying overseas, even when a parent can afford this, is a sacrifice some parents make for the progress of their children. I had the opportunity of studying abroad consequent on the sacrifice of our two fathers. I recall I had thought I was to study at the University of Lagos but our fathers, HRM and his brother, late Otun Oba Alaba had, without our knowledge or input, made arrangements for my siblings (my brother and sister) and I to study, first for the Advanced Levels and then university, in the United Kingdom and when they communicated their decision, we had no choice in the matter but to pack our bags and depart for England. It is one experience I can never forget since we arrived the UK in Autumn but it was so cold and after a couple of months, ostensibly concerned by what studying abroad would cost, we wrote a letter requesting to be allowed home to study. Suffice to say, HRM asked that we rest the issue and concern ourselves with excelling in our studies and which, to the glory of Allah, we all did and in good time too.

Were they the ones that insisted you study Law?

The choice of course was determined by our fathers. They wanted the best for us, no doubt  influenced by the experiences my family had gone through in confronting the assault on its land holdings, first by the colonialists and subsequently by successive post-colonial governments in the country. The family retained the services of the finest lawyers in the land at the time – Chief F.R.A. Williams, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Abayomi Sogbesan, Chief G.O.K. Ajayi  and Chief Mary Bassey etc. and at huge costs and so I ended up studying law and qualifying as a lawyer with a bias for litigation.

Can you remember how you felt the first day you were in front of a judge?

I was very well prepared. I had a fantastic mentor in Chief Mary Bassey. She ranks amongst the best legal practitioners and litigators of her generation. Her attention to detail and the diligence with which she prepares for an appearance in court is most impressive and which I learnt and deployed on my first and subsequent appearances in court. Again since I was very familiar with the court room even before qualifying as a practitioner, I suffered no nerves on my first appearance in court as counsel. Suffice to say, I gave a good account of myself on the occasion.

Did you always feel bad  or disappointed each time you lost a case?

I was not disappointed. I certainly was not elated either. How could I have been? But I was never disappointed knowing that in any court case, one of the parties will have his position better supported by the law while the other’s position will find no favour with the law. In either situation, provided you have applied yourself diligently and within the dictates permissible by your position as an advocate, there is no reason to harbour any disappointment, other than to take the situation in your stride and move on and this was how I dealt with every case I was privileged to handle as counsel.

How do you feel being an Erelu?

Being an Erelu is a privilege and a great opportunity which fills me with immense pride and gratitude. Pride in being associated with our tradition and gratitude at being considered worthy enough for such recognition. Erelu within the royal courts of Lagos is a position occupied by a Princess and often, the eldest Princess. It is however not a position one assumes automatically but, at the instance of the monarch and only after being appropriately groomed and considered worthy; the Erelu being the foremost female voice  in the caucus of kingmakers and advisors in the royal court.

How then do you relax?

I relish my rest and my foremost form of relaxation is to sleep. At that time, I  completely let go of all I have to contend with each day. I have come to appreciate and cherish my privacy and so I spend quite some time alone in my own company. I suppose spending a large part of each day listening to people talk accounts for this. I enjoy listening to music and travelling, the latter when time permits. Some women enjoy cooking and even see it as a form of relaxation. I don’t. I had a whole lot of cooking growing up and hence it is not an exercise I
particularly relish nowadays. I believe I am a good cook but I simply have too much to contend with nowadays which makes cooking quite an inconvenience. Members of my family are adequately equipped to satisfy their palate with dishes they make themselves and once in a while, I make simple meals we all enjoy as a family.

Does your husband support your career?

He is immensely supportive and his interest in my success is phenomenal. He is also himself a lawyer and he abhors mediocrity hence, he demands that I deliver my best in all I do. Consequently, he hardly makes any demand on me, understanding that my duties and responsibilities are very engaging. We are most comfortable in each other’s company and make the time to be with each other as much as our respective schedule can accommodate, during which we engage in all that we enjoy and banter about any subject, our profession not being least. He is a man true to himself, extremely patient and highly respectful of my person, supportive of my goals and confident in his abilities. He is a good, likeable person which makes life with him a joy and for which I am most grateful.

Where did you meet?

We met in the law firm of Chief Debo Akande, SAN. This was during my placement there in satisfaction of the law office attachment phase of my training at the Nigeria Law School. He was an associate in the firm. We became acquainted then and the acquaintance developed into a friendship after my Law School training and my success in the Bar Finals. We started dating afterwards and got married years later; six years later to be precise and much before my elevation to the bench. The firm in which we met was such a quality environment to work and hence, you were bound to meet quality people of integrity with impeccable manners.  I did. The long years of friendship has sustained our relationship although, at times, I do wish we had got married a bit earlier but, all’s well that ends well.

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