How Lam Adesina gave all zones and tribes their dues, averted tribal war when Buhari made a case for herdsmen — Olaosebikan

A former spokesperson for late Governor Lam
Adesina, Mr. Kehinde Olaosebikan tells SUNDAY ABORISADE what happened on the day that General
Muhammadu Buhari visited Oyo Government House to demand an explanation
on the clash between Fulani herdsmen and some farmers in the state
Kindly describe your working relationship with the late Gov. Lam Adesina.

Alhaji Lam Adesina appointed me as his Chief Press Secretary on May 29, 1999, the first appointment he made after being sworn in as the Governor of Oyo State. We had a very good relationship before and while I served as his CPS. Naturally, we had our issues but with pride and a deep sense of responsibility, I can say without any equivocation that I served him with everything in me; total loyalty and dedication in all aspects. And to the glory of Allah, my service to him was recognised and appreciated by all. My constituency, the Nigeria Union of Journalists councils in Oyo and Osun states rewarded me as the best chief press secretary ever in the state and the most outstanding in Nigeria in that era. The National Association of Nigerian Students also celebrated me as an exceptional image maker.

But at the exit of the government, you criticized him.

I had said earlier that we had our issues but what you are referring to was political and I must add too that it was largely exaggerated. Alhaji Adesina is late (deceased) now; I know that wherever he is today he is proud that I contributed immensely to his emergence as the governor; served him diligently and that in death I showcased his best.

Would you say he had tribal sentiments?

Tribal sentiments! That is a serious question. But let me be empirical in dealing with it. As a governor, Alhaji Lam Adesina ran a very balanced government, giving all the zones and tribes in the state their dues in terms of appointments and patronages. Power was equitably shared among the stakeholders.  Except in Oke-Ogun where we had the deputy governor and secretary to the state government, because of political expediency, other appointments were done fairly. Merit was also considered in all his appointments. Alhaji Adesina appointed non-Yoruba into his government and associated with them seamlessly. He had a solid and even-handed team and that was what made his a cohesive government.

However, as a politician and normal human being, Alhaji Adesina showed feelings too. Issues concerning Ikija, his village, were treated with special concern and as an Ibadan man from Ibadan South-East Local Government, matters of Ibadan were of great importance to him as well. At every given opportunity we attended internal meetings of the Alliance for Democracy in IMG Primary School, Oriaje, Ibadan South-East.

He exhibited a great deal of objectivity and he can also be said to be passionate about certain things that I just stated but if it is about being sentimental, the answer is largely no.

Can you compare his style of governance with any government of the day?

Without any doubt, Alhaji Adesina showed strength, capacity and tolerance from his first day in office. The composition of his cabinet was a rare display of vigour as it is only a strong and capable leader that would put somebody bigger than him not just in his government but in very key positions. For reasons best known to him but which eventually paid off, he made a fellow aspirant, an obviously richer person and even more experienced in government, Chief Michael Koleoso, the Secretary to the State Government. At that time, Koleoso was not only the Chairman of the Alliance for Democracy, he controlled the machinery of the politics and commerce of the state. Alhaji Adesina later revealed to us that he did so for political stability and as a reward for his support and diligence. He told us that the only way he could reward Koleoso commensurately for his contributions to his nomination and election proper was by making him a part of the government. He did so and the government was a huge success.

Comparing that with the present situation in Nigeria, I think the President should have toed this line by rewarding the former Governor of Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, with a role in government. It would have been appropriate to make him the Chief of Staff. Nigeria would have been better for it.

Would Tinubu have accepted such a position? And even if he would have accepted, wouldn’t that make the Yoruba more involved in the government than others, since they also have the vice presidency?

But what do we have now? The President is from the North, the Chief of Staff is from the North, the SGF is from the North and so on. The point I am making is that a strong presidency would serve us better. Acceptance of the position by Tinubu is another thing entirely. But for somebody who wanted to be vice president, the position of CoS could suffice, if service is the major motivation. Imagine having Tinubu with his vast experience, the way he turned Lagos State around and how he has ensured continuity and unparalleled progress in Lagos State, working in government with President Muhammadu Buhari, the result would have been awesome.

But won’t there be a clash of interests?

No! I don’t think so. With such an appointment, Tinubu would have greater respect for and undiluted loyalty to the President and that would make him give the government his utmost best. If it is all about Nigeria, they are bound to work harmoniously better than what we are experiencing now.

Kindly recount the issue involving some Oyo farmers and the Fulani herdsmen when your boss was in office.

Clashes between farmers and Fulani herdsmen did not just start during Alhaji Lam Adesina’s government; it had been there all along and from about our first month in office, we had started handling serious cases of infraction between the indigenous farmers and Fulani herdsmen in the state. A particular one happened around August 1999 which, if not for maturity and deployment of sound leadership and effective communication, would have snowballed into a major crisis.

However, at a time when the government believed that it was done with rifts between the indigenes and itinerant Fulani herdsmen, because of the effective proactive measures put in place by the government, the then General Muhammadu Buhari led a team from the Arewa Consultative Forum to the Governor’s Office, Ibadan, to challenge the government on its perceived unfair treatment meted to the Fulani in Oke-Ogun. It was on October 13, 2010, a tense day but it dissolved into glory for Oyo State and Nigeria as a whole. I think it is not necessary going into details of that again.

How did it dissolve into glory?

The whole thing started on a very uptight note which could have resulted in anything, regional, tribal war, anything. It was that serious. But Alhaji Adesina exhibited leadership at its best with patience, tolerance and excellent deployment of teamwork in handling the matter. It was a great moment for us as was later reflected in all the post-event reviews in the media. Many newspapers did editorials on it praising Alhaji Adesina for the exemplary leadership displayed over the matter.

What steps did he actually take to resolve it?

First, Alhaji Adesina started on a very confident note, in spite of the intimidating personalities of his guests and this helped a lot in calming frayed nerves. After listening to General Buhari, with equanimity, betraying no emotions, Alhaji Adesina invited the heads of all security agencies in the state to respond to General Buhari and give accounts of the true situation of things. At the end of the day, General Buhari realised that there was no merit in the petition they brought to Oyo State.

Is it true that Buhari actually asked why Adesina’s people were killing his own people?

Yes, it is true. He said so and I don’t see anything wrong in it. At that time, he was the Patron of Miyetti Allah group, that is, the association of cattle breeders. There is nothing wrong in him calling the Fulani people his own people. Before being a Nigerian, he is first a Fulani man. We don’t need to pretend about that.

Can you relate t
hat to Buhari’s request that the World Bank should focus its developmental projects on the North?

From my assessment of his government so far, President Muhammadu Buhari means well for the country but he would have made greater achievements and united the country further if he had exhibited more tolerance, inclusiveness in the composition of his inner team. The country is being seriously polarised.

How then can the polarisation be stemmed?

The buck stops at the table of the President. He is the only one that can do it. Speculations are rife now that he wants to rejig the cabinet. He needs to engage those that can efficiently strengthen his government and make service delivery easier and more effective for him not minding where they come from. It is in the best interest of our nation.

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