the NBA’s online payment options, I’ll attempt to run through the practical steps to paying the Bar Practising Fee via the newly revamped NBA Website.
1. Can I have the NBA or Supreme Court Account in order for me to transfer my BPF using my bank’s mobile application?
Ans: No, you cannot. BPF can only be paid online by accessing the NBA Website and using the payment portal thereon. It is only by this process that a BPF receipt (similar to bank tellers) can be generated for you.
2. How then do I access the NBA online payment option?
Ans: Simple. Each lawyer has a portal on the NBA Website. On this portal, you can make your BPF payment and access other NBA online services. Get started by following this link
3. I have clicked on the link, what else do I do?
Ans: On the page are two options. The first option requests you to log in with your enrollment number and password. You cannot do this except you have been previously verified .
The second option requests you to get verified.
At this point, you have to ask yourself whether or not you are verified.
4. How do I know if I’ve been verified or not?
Ans: There is no straightforward forward answer to this. However, if you are not a new wig and you know your Supreme court enrollment number and you have been applying and receiving your NBA Seal, it is most likely that you’ve been verified.
If you are a new wig (particularly called in 2019) and you have never attempted the NBA’s verification exercise, then you are not verified. Verification is not automatic.
5. I’ve not been previously verified, what do I do?
Ans: Check out the Getverified option on the page and get started with your verification process.
Ensure you have a soft copy of your call to bar ceritifacte on your device, as you’ll need to upload it. Also ensure that your email address is correctly entered.
Do this and patiently wait for an acknowledgement message on your email from the NBA. The message will include your email address and a temporary password (that you can always change at your convenience).
Go back to the membership portal page and enter the details to log in and access our online options.
6. I’m previously verified, but I cannot remember my password?
Click on forget password and Enter your Supreme Court Enrollment Number and submit.
7. I’ve done this but I’m getting a prompt response of “No record of that username”
Ans: Go back and re-enter your enrollment number. Ensure you enter it the same way it appears on your NBA Seal. Both the alphabets and figures are to be typed together without space (E.G. SCN111111).
Upon getting this step right, you will be sent a mail directing you to reset your password.
8. The system doesn’t seem to accept my choice password.
Ans: Here is it. For safety of your personal information, your password must not be less than eight characters. It must include lower case and upper case letters. It must also include a symbol. Make it simple and do not forget it.
On completion of this stage, go back to the membership portal, re-enter the password and your Supreme court enrollment number to access our online options.
9. I’m now on the Membership Portal, but I still can’t find where and how to pay my BPF?
Ans: Kindly click on the menu tab to view the list of functionalities available. For Desktop users, the menu tab is located at the top, and for mobile users, it is located on the left side.
The online payment portal accepts both debit and credit cards. Follow the steps and upon successful payment, you will receive receipts from both the NBA and paystack – our payment gateway. Download and print these receipts for your record.
Thank you.
PS: Attached for further information and general overview of the process is the NBA President’s Statement of 19/3/2020 titled Your Personal Portal at the NBA Website – Required Verification.