By Afolabi Oni • A Rejoinder To The Article Education Deserves Better Icons
SIR: Yakubu Gowon can be referred to as an authentic founding father of Nigeria and he surely deserves to have his name immortalised at the University of Abuja, in the Federal Capital. There are many personalities that are popularly identified as founding fathers, but on a closer look, these are people whose primary focus is on sectional and local interests.
Such cannot be said about Gowon; a gentleman officer who fought to keep Nigeria together and ruled with a human face. Without mentioning names, it can be said that if some Nigerian leaders were in power at the time Gowon was, there would have been terrible bloodshed in the level of what has been witnessed in Gaza. On the other end of the spectrum, had it been it was some other leader(s), the breakaway would have been successful. We should thus applaud Gowon for achieving this remarkable feat.
His commitment to national unity was evident in his declaration of “no victor, no vanquished” after the civil war, which paved the way for all-round reconciliation and reconstruction. His administration’s 3Rs program (Reintegration, Reconciliation and Reconstruction) was a testament to his dedication to healing the nation’s wounds.
Another point which should never be admitted is any attempt to paint Gowon as just an Army General. Gowon served as Army Chief for only short period when Ironsi was in power. It would be wrong to restrict his legacy to only the army. Beyond military, Gowon’s legacy extends to various sectors, including education, infrastructure, the economy etc.
He established the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in 1973, which has become a cornerstone of Nigerian youth development. His administration also introduced the Naira as the national currency, replacing the pound sterling. In addition, it was during his administration that many roads into the hinterland were constructed.
Recently, Gowon’s 90th birthday was celebrated with a lecture hosted by the ECOWAS Commission, where he was hailed as a statesman and a founding father of the ECOWAS. This recognition is a testament to his enduring legacy and impact on regional integration and cooperation.
In conclusion, Yakubu Gowon’s legacy extends far beyond his military background. His contributions to Nigeria’s unity, development and regional integration make him an authentic founding father of Nigeria. Given this outstanding record of selfless, remarkable and patriotic service, it is only fitting that a national monument in Abuja be named after Yakubu Gowon. This would be a well-deserved and lasting honour to this worthy Nigerian. • Mr Afolabi Oni, business director, lives and writes from Lagos.
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