‘Wawarism’ the leading ideology in Nigeria
‘Wawarism’ the leading ideology in Nigeria


Onochiengwu Obuna Esq.

Ideology is a reflection of philosophical worldview reflecting the material conditions of an epoch, and defining and justifying the nature and character of the political society of the future that its adherents aspire to, and the means by which the goal may be attained.

A well-articulated Ideology, incorporating clear fundamental attributes, and which conforms to the will of the people in the context of given circumstances, could become a strong instrument in mobilizing them towards a set objective. Especially at trying historical moments, Ideology renews hope by redefining the existential conditions of the people and perceptions of leaders and, therefore, create a flexible, pragmatic and patriotic basis for the understanding and reevaluation of the fundamental questions of the day, around which new strategic issues are to be decided and corresponding policies established.

The long term prospects of an Ideology are in part served if leaders act without ignoring the possibilities of tactical and other adjustments that may from time to time be essential in overcoming unanticipated contingencies. Hence, a logically creative Ideology may not only embody some of the attributes of scientific truth, but easily translate into a doctrine that can give meaning and direction to politics and other related activities, whether at the individual, collective, domestic or international levels.

Simply put, an Ideology is a set of opinion or beliefs of a group or an individual.

An Ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, attitudes, consciously or unconsciously held, which reflects or shapes understandings or misconceptions of the world. It serves to recommend, justify or endorse collective action aimed at preserving or changing political practices and institutions.

Ideology is a system of ideas and ideals especially one which forms the bases of economic or political theory and policy.

Examples: 1. The Ideology of Democracy 2. The Ideology of Zionism 3. The Ideology of Wawarism.

1. Democracy is simply described as that representative government that is characterized by popular participation and the principles of egalitarianism… Freedom of speech, association, religion, periodic elections, free market economy, etc. This is western liberal democracy.

2. Zionism is a Jewish nationalist movement that originated in Europe in the 19th century with the goal of creation and support of a Jewish National Homeland. The State of Israel was established in 1948 and is surrounded by very hostile neighbors and enemies that wouldn’t want Israel to exist for a second right from 1948 till date. Inorder to survive, Israel adopted a wonderful strategy of compulsory military training and service for her citizens which is till date the best strategy and means to an end which is the preservation of the existence of the State of Israel.

3. Wawarism is an Igbo movement for self determination and justice in social, economic and political relationships in Nigeria especially for the marginalized southern eastern states of Ebonyi and Enugu. Wawarism is a way of life which lays emphasis on self determination, resilience and introspection as the means through which one liberates himself from subjugation, marginalization and dominance to achieve total economic and political freedom.

The origin of Wawarism.

Wawarism or Wawaristic Ideology took its roots from the language, Wawa which is an emphatic ‘No’ to unfairness and injustice. It can convinentily be spoken also as Wowa, Wa, Mba or Kpa depending on the location where the dialect is spoken.

Wawa is usually used when trying to convey the message expressing one’s displeasure to marginalization, unfairness and gross misrule and injustice. Wawa consciousness was mostly awakened during the creation of old Enugu State out of the Old Anambra State. Apart from the general unfairness, gross misrule and injustices meted out to the entire Igbo race due to the Biafran Nigerian civil war, there was also a real imbalance between those who speak Wawa and those who speak WA in the then Old Anambra State. It was a tug of war between the Wawa and the Wa and this doubled down the fighting spirits amongst the Wawas in their quest for a separate State of theirs. This really resulted in the creation of Ebonyi and Enugu States in the long run hence the Wawa Man is noted for his resilience, right to self determination, quest for improvement/ betterment of his life.

Despite the fact that the Igbo Man shows love, industry, team spirit, unity of purpose and ingenuity in development of his environment, no Igbo Man has ever been elected as The Executive President Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria from 1960-2025. Despite our complain about marginalization of the entire South Eastern Nigeria, we are also infested with all sorts of Law enforcement agencies who further make life very miserable by the volume of exploitation and gross abuse of human rights yet no body cares. It is against this backdrop that we are working towards the introduction of Law curriculum in both primary and secondary schools in Igbo Land especially in Ebonyi and Enugu States first so that just like the Israelis that made military training and service compulsory, we will be churning of the best of Lawyers, Magistrates and Judges so much for export as well as the defense of Igbo Land from unnecessary show of brute force. When everyone knows the Law, there will be no need to intimidate us anymore.

Lastly, some people say that WAWA is the acronym for ‘Wisest Area in West Africa’. I am quite comfortable with that because Igbos generally are a very uniquely talented set of human beings. And this reminds me of the behavior of the Wise Men from the East before, during and after their encounter with with infant Jesus Christ as recorded in the Holy Bible There’s no gainsaying whether the Igbos are Wise Men or not because they occupy the Eastern Nigeria. The Ibos are Wise Men because during the Biafran Nigerian civil war, the Igbo Man exhibited his indomitable spirit and ingenuity in scientific and technological advancement by refining his own petroleum products, building his own armoured tanks, biological and chemical weapons as well as missiles to mention only a few things he did to prosecute the war from 1967-1970.

Whether you say Wawa, Wowa, Wa, Mba or Kpa, we are all saying ‘Emphatic No Way’ to social injustices, marginalization and gross misrule to the Igbo Man in different dialects. All the Ibos are one people with a common destiny in the real sense of it and we must be bound with; 1. Mutual Love 2. Mutual Trust 3. Mutual Respect and 4. Mutual Sensitivity in our relationship.

© Onochiengwu Obuna Esq.

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