CLASFON Abuja Branch holds September Meeting, at CBD today

CLASFON Abuja Branch holds September Meeting, at CBD today

CLASFON Abuja branch Excos and members are inviting my Lords, Learned Silks and beloved Colleagues to her meeting for the month of September.

The meeting shall hold on Monday the 16th day of September 2024.

This is the first meeting of the branch after successfully hosting the CLASFON National conference last month.This months meeting is a Bible Study Meeting and my Lord Hon. Justice A. O Otaluka will be speaking on the theme the Lord is our King.

The meeting Venue is the Obafemi Awolowo Hall at Nixon Luxury Hotel, CBD Abuja.

Please ensure to be in attendance and remember to invite and come with someone.

Thank you and stay blessed

Seye Arowosebe
Publicity Secretary,
For Secretariat.

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