Maikyau calls for review of NBA conference structure

Maikyau calls for review of NBA conference structure

*Proposes Bi-Annual Conferences to cut costs

*Seek membership forgiveness, says I acted in the best interest of the Bar

In his farewell speech at the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Annual General Meeting (AGM), outgoing President Mr. Y.C. Maikyau, SAN, raised concerns about the high costs and current structure of the association’s conferences.While acknowledging that he enjoys the opportunity to interact with colleagues at these events, Maikyau suggested that it is time for the NBA to reconsider its approach.

He said, Some people wrote petitions against me to the Inspector General of Police. Many of them were calling my family. They called my wife, sent messages to her for a debt that I did not personally incur.

And all because we have to make our members happy. First, to my family. All sorts of things were said.

But I took it in good faith. Because, number one, it was not worth saying that they gave charges and we did it here. So, distinguished colleagues, what I am asking you, all of us to consider, including me, is how

can we reduce the cost of our conference? We go to the same sponsors all the time. The branches go to the same sponsors. The sections go to the same sponsors. The committees, if they have anything, they go to the same. And we do these conferences annually. What can we do? I do not have the solution. But I know that it takes a great toll on our economic finances.”

Maikyau revealed that the cost of organizing NBA conferences takes a significant toll on the association’s finances, requiring them to “literally build a conference village” to accommodate the large number of attendees. He also noted that the NBA, its branches, sections, and committees often approach the same sponsors annually, which may not be sustainable.

To address these issues, the outgoing president proposed potential solutions for the NBA to consider. One suggestion was to hold bi-annual conferences, alternating between the sections’ conferences one year and the annual general conference the next. This would allow for greater participation of members in the sections’ events while reducing the overall frequency and cost of the conferences.

Another idea put forward by Maikyau was for the NBA to invest in its own conference center or building.

By having a dedicated venue, the association could generate revenue by renting out the facility when not in use for NBA events. This would also help maintain the NBA’s dignity and independence, as the president noted the contradiction in seeking financial support from state governments while advocating for independence.

Maikyau emphasized that he was raising these points to “agitate our minds” and prompt introspection within the association, rather than calling for an immediate decision at the AGM. He expressed confidence that the incoming administration, led by Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, would be open to discussing and developing these ideas further, but stressed that the ultimate decision rests with the entire membership of the NBA.

Also, the outgoing President, Mr. Y.C. Maikyau, SAN, reflected on his tenure, expressed gratitude to colleagues, and asked for forgiveness from those he may have unintentionally hurt.

Maikyau acknowledged the differences and challenges faced during his presidency, particularly during the election period. He emphasized that regardless of whether members supported him or not, they should be grateful to God for the opportunity to serve.

“We are here today. God permitted us to be here,” Maikyau stated. “And for some of you, or for some of us who did not support the other, it is the aggregate of the support or lack of support that keeps us here. So we can’t call anybody. We should just be grateful to God for the opportunity to serve.”
The outgoing president also addressed those who may have been hurt by his actions during his tenure.

“If I hurt you in the process of standing as president of the Nigerian Bar Association, I did not seek out somewhere to say, let me orchestrate this so that I will want you to know, I did not,” Maikyau said. “My actions, which I did in good conscience, towards the Nigerian Bar Association may have hurt you. I did not intend to hurt you. But all the same, I say sorry, I ask you for forgiveness.”

Maikyau expressed his unwavering faith in God and his determination to continue showcasing God’s glory on earth. He also acknowledged the contributions of his colleagues, including the Director-General of his campaign, Yemi Okonkwe, SAN, and others who supported him throughout his journey.

The outgoing president extended his gratitude to the NBA secretariat staff for their hard work and dedication, acknowledging that he couldn’t have asked for a better team to work with. He also thanked the senior advocates, branch chairmen, and other members who played crucial roles in his administration.

As the AGM drew to a close, Maikyau called for the adoption of his address and the adjournment of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Shefu Fafumi, SAN.

Maikyau’s emotional farewell speech marked the end of his tenure as the NBA President, leaving a lasting impression on the members present at the AGM. His words of reflection, gratitude, and plea for

forgiveness resonated with the audience, showcasing his humility and dedication to the association.

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