Allow NBA President to retain all powers - Udemezue

Allow NBA President to retain all powers – Udemezue

Limiting President’s powers could ‘destroy’ Association

The outgoing General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has called for a review of the powers of the NBA President at the just concluded Annual General Meeting (AGM).

However, this suggestion has been met with strong opposition from some members who argue that the current powers of the President must be preserved to protect the soul of the NBA from destabilizing forces.In an opinion titled “RE: NBA GS CALLS FOR REVIEW OF NBA PRESIDENTIAL POWERS AT AGM”, Sylvester Udemezue, a proctor at The Reality Ministry, argued that allowing such a review would open up NBA leadership to interference by people seeking to destroy or destabilize the association.

He warned that it could enable the sponsorship of national officers to run a parallel NBA leadership outside of the President’s control.
Mr. Udemezue emphasized the importance of the President retaining all necessary powers to legally crush any attempted secession plans or coups, citing a recent incident where some members allegedly hijacked the leadership of the NBA Section on Public Interest and Development Law (NBA-SPIDEL) and began running it independently.

He cautioned that acceding to “ill-advised suggestions” like the General Secretary’s proposal would spell doom for the unity of the NBA and destroy its well-being, welfare and success. “May that day never come, when we would have two NBA presidents in the same NBA National Executive Committee,” he stated.

The outgoing General Secretary’s proposal and the ensuing debate highlight the differing views within the NBA on how to best govern the association and protect its interests.

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