NBA 2024 AGC: Lagos to showcase culture, history
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Topics to be discussed at NBA AGC 2024 holding at TBS, Lagos Island, Lagos state 23-28 August 2024


(Culled by Sylvester Udemezue from the NBA-AGC 2024 Brochure produced by the NBA-AGC 2024 Planning Committee)

1). Young Lawyers’ Introductory Session: What It Takes To Be A Lawyer;

2). Future of Africa in The Midst of Rising Security, Economic and Political Challenges;

3). The Glass is Shattered! Insights from Nigeria’s Female Bank executives  and  Oil  & Gas industry Leaders on Achieving Career Success and Staying Relevant;

4). The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and The Practice of Law. What Are the Issues The Nigerian Bar Association Should Be Addressing Right Now, And How?

5). Intersection of Rule of Law and Human Rights in Nigeria: Unlocking Opportunities for a Democratic Future;

6). Championing Pro Bono: Mobilising the Legal Profession to Make a Difference;

7). Legal Practice within the Sub-Saharan African Region: Understanding the Opportunities Provided by the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA);

8). Arakunrin Rotimi Akeredolu Leadership Series: Is State Police a Solution to National Insecurity?

9). Making Nigeria a Safe Arbitration Seat: Cultivating Trust, Efficiency, and Reliability in Dispute Resolution;

10). Ensuring Adequacy of Minimum Wages — Mission Impossible?

11). Strengthening Representative Leadership and Good Governance: Are the Youths Ready To Break From The Status-Quo?

12). Two Years of Y.C. Maikyau’s Administration: Reflecting on Key Deliverables – What Has Been Done? What is Being Done and Update on the Legal Practitioners’ Act;

13). Issues in Judicial Constitutional Reform;

14). Lawyers in the Spotlight: Essential Anti-Money Laundering Considerations for the Legal Profession;

15). What Will Successful Law Firms Look Like in The Future?

16). From Innovation to Access: Empowering Lawyers and Communities Through Emerging Technologies;

17. Challenges to Legal Education: Where Are We At?

18). CAMA Is Four Years Old: What Has Changed?

19). Conflicting Decisions – Knowingly Made: Endangering the Rule of Law and Economic Growth;

20). Fireside Chat: Take A Seat Inside the Meeting Room with The Honourable Attorney-General of The Federation and His Justice Sector Reform Team, As They Give Update on Reforms in The Justice Sector;

21). Nigeria’s Economy – On Track or Side-Tracked?

22). Traditional Rulers Roundtable: Proposals for Integrating Traditional with the Contemporary in Justice Delivery;

23). Special Interest Session / Nigerian Army / Nigerian Air Force / Nigerian Navy/ Nigeria Police/ Nigerian Correctional Services: Are We Winning the War Against Insecurity;

24). Globalisation and the Legal Profession;

25). From Crisis to Action: Is the tide rising against Gender-Based Violence?

26). Navigating Legal Currents: Understanding Recent Developments in Shipping and Admiralty Law and Their Relevance to General Commercial Practice;

27). Exploring Contemporary issues in Administration of Criminal Justice: Perspectives and Insights;

28). Achieving sustainable economic growth:  Where are we with  solid minerals development now?

29). All Work and No Rest: Promoting peak performance for Lawyers through Health and Well-Being interventions;

30). Beyond Nigeria’s 2023 General Elections: Pending Issues in Electoral Reform;

31). International Court of Justice in the Spotlight: Lessons from South Africa’s Genocide Case against Israel;

32). Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act, 2018:  Implementation in Words or Deeds?

33). Is The Draft Bill on The Administration of Civil Justice: A Panacea to Ease of Doing Business in Nigeria?

34). State Ministries Of Justice In Focus: How Are They Advancing State Legal Services, Access To Justice, And The Rule Of Law Through Policies, Laws And Legal Services?


It’s easily seen from the above, that almost all the topics rolled out for discussions at NBA-AGC 2024 touch directly on much of the challenges facing the Legal Profession in Nigeria, and on Nigeria itself. I heartily commend the Planning Committee of NBA-AGC 2024; you did an awesome job in choosing these topics at this time. Apart from that it is difficult to reasonable hold any of the topics irrelevant or unimportant to the legal profession in Nigeria, and/or to the welfare and advancement of its members, there is no more auspicious time to discuss, examine these issues than now. It is meanwhile respectfully recommended that resolutions and outcomes of each discussion session are followed up after the NBA-AGC 2024 by the incoming NBA leadership, with further considerations and pragmatic implementations in the interest of the legal profession in Nigeria. It was William Jennings Bryan who ounce held the view that “There can be no settlement of a great cause without discussion, and people will not discuss a cause until their attention is drawn to it”

The five Steps To Achievement are:
✔️Think Clearly;
✔️Plan purposefully;
✔️Prepare Prayerfully;
✔️Proceed Positively;
✔️Pursue Persistently.

Then says Napoleon Hill, “First comes thought; then organization of that thought into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. You must first plan your work and then work your plan ” The first step is to sit down and begin to discuss. A good discussion on material issues increases the dimensions of everyone who takes part. Our best comes out when we have honest discussions on issues that matter. Nelson Mandela said, “No problem is so deep that it cannot be overcome, given the will of all parties, through discussion…” This, we should seek by all means in our power, to analyse our perceived challenges, possible causes and practical solutions, by trying to remove them, through discussions in a spirit of collaboration and good will. We can overcome our challenges and make greater progress if we can start refocusing our priorities and prioritizing the focus of our discussions and action plans.
Sylvester Udemezue (udems),
NBA, Lagos Branch.
(25 August 2024)

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