[DOWNLOAD] Nigeria’s Justice Sector earmarks for overhaul

[DOWNLOAD] Nigeria’s Justice Sector earmarks for overhaul

*2024 National Summit Adopts resolutions

The two-day National Summit on Justice 2024 concluded on April 25th with the adoption of far-reaching resolutions aimed at driving comprehensive judicial reforms.The summit, jointly organised by the Federal Ministry of Justice, the National Judicial Council (NJC), and the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), brought together key stakeholders to deliberate on critical issues affecting the judiciary and chart a course for a more efficient, equitable, and responsive justice system.

The event, held at the National Judicial Institute in Abuja, saw robust discussions on crucial topics such as judicial appointments, discipline of judicial officers, court administration, budgeting, funding, and eliminating delays in the administration of justice. Participants included the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, GCON; the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef O. Fagbemi, SAN; the President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Mr. Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau, OON, SAN; and other distinguished legal luminaries, government officials, and civil society representatives.

A major highlight of the summit was the presentation and adoption of the revised National Policy on Justice 2024-2028 by the Honourable Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice.

The policy, developed through extensive consultations with stakeholders, outlines a comprehensive roadmap for reforms aimed at enhancing access to justice, efficiency, and public trust in the judiciary.
The summit arrived at several groundbreaking resolutions, which, if implemented, could transform the face of Nigeria’s justice system.

Key among these are:
Reforming Judicial Appointments: The summit resolved to overhaul the judicial appointments process to promote meritocracy, transparency, and public trust. This includes diluting the concentration of power in the office of the Chief Justice, diversifying the composition of the National Judicial Council and State Judicial Service Commissions, and institutionalizing objective, competitive selection procedures.

Professionalising Court Administration: To enhance efficiency and accountability while preserving judicial independence, the summit advocated for the professionalisation of court administration. This involves recruiting qualified personnel with administrative expertise to manage court operations under clear performance indicators, separate from judicial functions.

Ensuring Adequate Funding: Recognizing the chronic underfunding of state judiciaries, the summit strongly urged state governments to comply with constitutional provisions mandating the establishment of Disbursement Committees to ensure timely release of funds to the judiciary.

Leveraging Technology: The summit approved proposals for constitutional amendments to validate virtual hearings and provide litigants with verbatim records of court proceedings to enhance efficiency and transparency.

Strengthening Disciplinary Mechanisms: To uphold integrity and public trust, the summit called for a review and strengthening of the disciplinary framework for legal professionals and judicial officers, including enhanced procedures, sanctions, and the engagement of retired judicial officers to expedite disciplinary matters.

Improving Performance Management: The summit advocated for the implementation of robust performance management systems, evaluation criteria, and feedback mechanisms for legal practitioners and judicial officers. This includes a shift from the current quantitative assessment of judicial performance to a more holistic, quality-driven approach.

Other notable resolutions touched on limiting the right of appeal to the Supreme Court, accelerating arbitration-related litigation, promoting continuous legal education, and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability within the justice sector.Participants expressed gratitude to the organisers and international partners, including the UNODC, UNICEF, and International IDEA, for their support in convening the groundbreaking summit. The effective implementation of these resolutions is widely seen as crucial to advancing Nigeria’s justice sector and delivering a more equitable, efficient, and trusted legal system for all citizens.

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