A landlady, identified as Amaka Okonkwo, is currently in the custody at the Nimo police station in
Anambra State for allegedly pouring hot water mixed with pepper on her tenant, identified as Imabong William, over a disagreement on rent increment.
The incident, it was gathered, happened at Enugwu-Ukwu in Njikoka Local Government Area late Thursday night.
Eyewitnesses said trouble started when the landlady asked the tenant to vacate the house over her inability to pay the new rent, noting that her rent had expired in July.
The victim, who hails from Akwa Ibom State, is currently receiving treatment at Zion Hospital, Nawfia.
She said, “I requested for more time from my landlady to enable me to get a new place, but unfortunately while I was washing my clothes on Thursday, the landlady poured hot water mixed with pepper on me from behind.”
The Women President-General of the community, Chiegbunam Nwosu and Florence Okoye, condemned the incident, saying the community was not in support of the act.
The women also visited the police division where the DPO assured them that the case would be transferred to the state CID for further investigation and that the police would ensure peace and order in the community.
Meanwhile, the husband of the landlady, Ebere Okonkwo, who was also seen at the hospital, denied any involvement in his wife’s action, noting that although he was at home at the time of the incident, he was not aware of his wife’s intentions towards their tenant.
The Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare, Ify Obinabo, who visited the victim at the hospital, thanked the women for their timely intervention and ensuring the suspect’s arrest.
While promising to get justice for the victim, she warned that the state government would not take lightly anyone found culpable of assault of any kind, as she advised the public to always report crimes and misdemeanors to the appropriate channels for quick intervention.
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