Non lawyers are liable to 2 years imprisonment for preparing land documents
Non lawyers are liable to 2 years imprisonment for preparing land documents

The principal partner of a law firm MORUFF BALOGUN & CO., Moruff O. Balogun, Esq while addressing the entire staff and management of the firm made it clear to lawyers and non-Lawyers therein during the monthly sensitization workshop that Law practice as a profession is a very conservative one. It is not like other professions such as medicine, engineering, e.t.c. where quacks and charlatans can just delve into without legal consequences.

Only a lawyer who has been duly called to the Nigerian Bar can practice law. The practice of law is not limited to what the uninformed general public perceive it to be. It is all encompassing.

Law graduates too should be mindful of the fact that they are not yet lawyers until when they are called to the Nigerian Bar and enrolled at the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

Those Non-lawyers who are secretly or openly and ignorantly taking over our jobs are toying with cobra’s head. The various branches of the NBA are urged to urgently set up task force committee on this issue.

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There are provisions in the Legal Practitioners Act, which prescribe the maximum period of 2 years for non- lawyers who prepare any document/agreement relating to rents, buildings, land or mineral resources, so they should be aware now. Ignorance of law is not an excuse.

Mr. Balogun, further urged lawyers in his firm to always be mindful of ethical rules why performing their duties as lawyers.

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