*Winning pitch to be played at conference intervals, sections
The Conference Planning Committee for the 2022 Nigerian Bar Association Annual General Conference has invited young lawyers to make videos voicing expressions on the theme of the Conference, “Bold Transitions” alongside a 50-word script.
According to a flyer sighted by ASKLEGALPALACE, the winning pitch will be made thr “Bold Choice & Transition Video” for the 2022 AGC.
Also, the lawyer with the winning pitch shall earn a sponsored place at the 2022 Annual General Conference.
Pitches (Scripts and videos), are to be submitted alongside: Name, Email Address, Phone number, and NBA Branch with the tag “The Bold Pitch”.
The winning pitch will be played at intervals during the conference.
Entry closes 12th of August, 2022.
Entries are to be sent: info@loorbrandbox.com