Deborah: Dozens of lawyers to the defence of Sokoto killers
Deborah: Dozens of lawyers to the defence of Sokoto killers
By Adekunle Ade-Adeleye It is one of the galling realities of Northern Nigeria that it was not difficult to find lawyers to defend two men suspected of involvement in the lynching of Deborah Samuel, a 200-level student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. Not only was it easy to assemble lawyers almost spontaneously, it was also easy to find nearly three dozens of them led by a law lecturer at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Mansur Ibrahim, a professor. The two suspects, Bilyaminu Aliyu and Aminu Hukunci, need defence lawyers; but to find nearly three dozen lawyers eager to defend the suspected killers is a reflection of the ethical and moral miasma the region is enveloped in. The two accused were among dozens involved in the lynching of Miss Samuel, a lynching depressingly inspired and orchestrated by her fellow students over unsubstantiated allegations of blasphemy. The murder has shockingly become a barometer of the mindset of northern elites. Apart from the high calibre defence team, some of them learned in the principles of law, other key northern officials ranging from serving bureaucrats to former government officials have shamelessly jumped to the defence of the killers. State commissioners, serving or retired, waffling former Nigerian leaders, Deputy Chief Imam of the Abuja Central Mosque, Ibrahim Maqari, a professor, and a host of notable individuals whom the society respected have joined the fray on the side of the killers. It became clear last week that the core North has vacillated very badly on the murder, cannot be persuaded to condemn the lynching, and prefers to quibble over the alleged blasphemy. It is unclear why there is so much ambiguity on the lynching of the young student, or why there seems to be near unanimity of opinion in the North on the supposed guilt of Miss Samuel. Despite that confusion, what is even more important is why the supporters of the killers side with the extra-legal measures taken by the lynchers. First there was no consensus on the issue of blasphemy or the guilt of Miss Samuel. Yet, without recourse to the law or even the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, lynchers carried out an execution. The lynching and the complicity of a significant section of the Northern elite expose the ugly underbelly of the core North. It is an ugliness that has been long in maturing, but is now in full bloom. The lynchers and their supporting regional elite displayed ignorance of the law, not to say a visceral hatred of minorities, whether ethnic or religious. The consequent bifurcation of the core North and the religious and ethnic dichotomies which are its byproducts may eventually become the fuel that will conflagrate the region swarming with hordes of bitter, uneducated and unemployed youths. It is inconceivable that only two people were involved in the murder of Miss Samuel. Dozens and dozens of gleeful and bloodthirsty rioters participated. To forestall their arrest and to cripple a possible police dragnet to haul the fleeing murderers before the law, a riot of indescribable proportion was organised to foil the attempt and prevent societal retribution. Such murder and lack of retribution are not without precedent in the region. If the madness is to end, the Sokoto State government, Nigerian Justice ministry, presidential aspirant and governor of the state Aminu Tambuwal, not to say the president himself, Muhammadu Buhari, have a chance to prove that such bloodthirstiness would not be tolerated on their watch. There are doubts that their denunciations of the crime committed on May 12 by the Sokoto mob were genuine and sever enough. But as tame as some thought the denunciations were, the relevant officials must have had time to reflect on the international disgrace the murder has brought upon Nigeria, not to say the ham-fisted and desultory manner the crime has been handled. The murder was committed virtually in the presence of social media. Many of the faces seen on camera have not been arrested. It is not clear, given the riots that followed the arrest of two suspects, that the police will be eager to find the fleeing murderers. It would, however, be unwise to leave the assignment to local police. The crime calls for the deployment of federal police investigators, crack detectives who would brook no opposition. In addition, the trial of the arrested suspects should require the involvement of the Nigerian Justice ministry. This is the ministry’s opportunity to prove that the Nigerian constitution is above any religion, region or ethnic group. Given what is on the ground, local prosecutors are likely to make heavy weather of the trial, and will in view of local hostility find it difficult to prove the involvement of the two suspects. They will need external help. Indeed, defence lawyers will focus more on trying to prove a lack of evidence tying the suspects to the crime. But whether by incompetent investigations and prosecution or by clever defence by smart lawyers, exculpating the suspects will be interpreted as official connivance. That would be truly tragic. Whether Sokoto State officials, northern elites and the federal government realise it or not, Miss Samuel’s lynching is capable of making ethnic and religious divisions in the country widen into a chasm as hate preachers and extremists begin to entrench themselves in state and federal governments. If decisive steps are not taken to find Miss Samuel’s killers and investigate and successfully prosecute a crime committed openly to the shame of the country and streamed live, more and more Nigerians may begin to lose hope in the unity and stability of Nigeria. Too many northern elites have demonstrated irresponsibility and shamelessness in this murder case, which they hide under the cover of blasphemy. Hopefully, Sokoto State and the federal government are sensitive enough to realise that sweeping this case under the carpet or handling it shoddily will have consequences. The Director-General of the Yahaya Bello Presidential Campaign Orgnisation, Hafsat Abiola-Costello, needs no introduction. Nor, going by the huge price her parents paid in their fight for democracy, does she need introduction to politics. She was born into it; and now, as DG of a campaign organisation, has the chance to prove her mettle. Whether Mr Bello, Governor of Kogi State, wins the nomination or not, Mrs Abiola-Costello has now cut her teeth in politics and will likely continue in it for a long time. It is ironic that she is doing it, as she observed, in North Central, not her native Southwest. But addressing journalists in Lagos last Monday, she said a few things out of sync with her brilliance and altruism. Defending her role as DG of the Yahaya Bello campaign, not to say her optimism about the relevance and qualification of the aspirant, she declared: “I am proud of GYB because of his development records in Kogi. This is a governor that is always looking for progress and the development of lives of his people. This is me, a Yoruba, supporting someone from North Central. There is no progress without demands; I lost my parents, though unfortunately, because Nigerians believed in them. I’ve been working with GYB for a while and I have seen that he has the courage and intelligence to deliver Nigeria.” No, madam, GYB does not have the courage and intelligence to deliver anything, not himself, not Kogi, let alone Nigeria. And as to GYB looking for the progress and development of the lives of his people, nothing could be further from the truth. Mrs Abiola-Costello said a few more glamorous things about the aspirant, including his economic record. She exaggerated his credentials and capacity. The aspirant she described is completely alien to Kogi people. They would like to meet such a man, real or fictional. Having ruled the state for about six years, GYB has proved nothing near what the director-general painted. She painted a myth; Kogites know a monstrous failure. By Adekunle Ade-Adeleye.

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