How To Address Incessant Building Collapse – BCPG
How To Address Incessant Building Collapse – BCPG

Building Collapse Prevention Guild says buildings could last for a very long time when systemic processes are implemented.

The President, BCPG, Akinola George, said this in an interview with our correspondent on Friday.

He said, “Building collapse is a result of systemic issues prevailing in the building, construction and real estate industry in Nigeria. Until those systemic issues are dealt with, we would continue to have cases of building collapse. There is a need to properly address, correct and implement procurement issues. Issues around supervision, submission of drawings and others must be addressed to ensure quacks are shown the way out of the industry.”

“In proceeding to the site, there must be building control at the various stages of the site. When the building processes are followed till the end of construction and the building is validated to be fit for habitation, you can be sure the building is properly procured.”

Explaining further, George said, “If anyone comes into the industry, designs, builds, and put money into the industry without acknowledging that; without employing the right professionals who would ensure the right building materials are used, then we would continue to have building collapses. If the building materials on site are sub-standards, the supervising consultants would not approve it, nor would the building control department approve it.

“Building procurement processes deal with how the buildings are designed; whether they are designed by the architects or just someone interloping from a foreign land, not registered in Nigeria or properly trained to practise architecture in Nigeria. These designs are submitted to the town planning authorities, the authorities would go through it and approve that the design is correct and does not fail any building regulations and then they can proceed to site.

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