The Lagos State Special Offences Court in Ikeja, Lagos, on Monday adjourned the child molestation case against embattled Nollywood actor, Olanrewaju Omiyinka, aka Baba Ijesha.That the Nollywood actor arrived at the court for his trial after he was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in the care of comedienne, Damilola Adekoya, also known as Princess.
He was charged on six counts of sexual assault by penetration, indecent treatment of a child, and sexual assault.
Also in attendance at the court were Princess and actress, Iyabo Ojo.
However, Justice Oluwatoyin Taiwo while delivering judgment, adjourned the matter after the counsel for Princess played primary evidence against the embattled actor.
The judge adjourned the case till Tuesday, July 27, 2021.