Presenter: Prof. A. Amuda-Kannike, SAN, FCArb
Email Address: amudakannikeabiodun@gmail.com
Law Students
Nation Building
The Law students as a special group of persons within a society, country or the academic community participates in nation building[1] but what this paper is to examine is a critical review of the role of law students in nation building which could be positive or negative.
It is therefore important in our quest to deal with the above topic, that there is the need to define in a nutshell, the following terms in order to appreciate the presentation;[2]
Law Students
iii. Nation building
Cambridge Dictionary[3] define role as the position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation, organization, society or relationship. For example, “what is his role in this project? School play an important role in society, or put in another way,” six people have been put on trial for their role (involvement) in the anti-government demonstrations.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English; define role as the way in which someone or something is involved in an activity or situation, and how much influence they have on it. For example the role; (i) of women in a society (ii) of diet in the prevention of disease[4] etc.
Oxford Dictionary of English; define role as the function or position that somebody has or is expected to have in an organization in the society or in a relationship. Furthermore, it could be said to be the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation[5].
Law Students
A law student has been described as a person who is studying, to be a lawyer at a university or other places of higher education.[6] To me, a Law student includes Lawyers, Judges, or persons undergoing a post graduate study in Law.
Nation Building
Nation Building is a process whereby a society of people with diverse origins, histories, languages, cultures and religions comes together within the boundaries of a sovereign state with a unified constitutional and legal dispensation, natural public education system, an integrated national economy, shared symbols.[7]
According to Prof. Ibrahim A. Gambari, who is now the current Chief of Staff to the President, nations do not come by historical accident on its own. This he said in “The challenges of Nations Building: The case of Nigeria”[8] He looks at Nation Building as the outcome of conscious statecraft and not as if it is to be likened to happenstance. It is often classed as “work-in-progress scenario”, a dynamic course which is always in constant demand for the purpose of re-invention and nurturing. Prof. Gambari emphasis this situation thus;
Nation-building has many aspects. Firstly, it is about building a political entity which corresponds to a given territory based on some generally accepted rules, norms and principles and a common citizenship. Secondly, it is also about building institutions which symbolize the political entity – institutions such as a bureaucracy, an economy, the judiciary, universities, a civil service, and civil society organizations. Above all else, however, nation building is about building a common sense of purpose, a sense of shared destiny, a collective imagination of belonging. Nation-building is therefore about building the tangible and intangible threads that hold a political entity together and gives it a sense of purpose. Even in these days of globalization and rapid international flow of people and ideas, having a viable nation remains synonymous with achieving modernity. It is about building the institutions and values which sustain the collective community in these modern times.
From what the Professor of International repute have said above, he emphasized the issue of nation building[9] as “… nation building is about building a common sense of purpose, a sense of shared destiny, a collective imagination of belonging”. It is not in doubt that the main idea behind nation building is about the people majorly[10].
Having known the various terms and what nation building is all about, this work will be properly appreciated if we consider the statement of the problem associated with the above topic in the form of a research.
The Ideal Situation; is that to a large extent the law students should play important role in nation building in such a way that they will have heavy influence on the development of the national unity, cultures, religious tolerance, sovereign state with unified constitutional and legal dispensation of justice, natural public and private educational system and an integrated national economy among others.
The Current Situation; is that our law students with all due respect, just like the majority of the different group of citizens have not done much to influence nation building such that there are not much or no influence on the development of national unity, cultures, religious tolerance, sovereign state with unified constitutional and legal dispensation of justice, natural public and private educational system and an integrated national economy among others.
The measures put in place over time to solve the problem; includes, education, access to education, creation of awareness, unionisms, books, journals, writings, student sponsorships, participation in development of the Law, National Youth Service Schemes (NYSC), entrepreneurship development among others.[12]
The Persistent Problem; with regards to the role of law students in nation building are; lack of unity among the law students, religious intolerance, abandonment of ideas after political appointments, corruption, unfortunate judiciary under the whimps and caprices of the government, government divide and rule tactics, amendment of laws, enactment of laws at the expenses of the students especially the law students, lack of proper and adequate security, lack of national peace, misplaced entrepreneurial development among others.[13]
Effects of the Problem; with respect to the role of law students in nation building are; that there exist continuous low level of participation of laws students in nation building, there are low level of economic development, lack of good leadership both in the private and public sector of governance, lack of employment, loss of employment, destruction of the basis of rule of law, collapse of the economy, intolerance among others.
The reason for this work; is to expose the law students to asses their role in nation building especially by finding out how they have performed in this regard and what should be done in order to perform such role adequately if the result of our findings is “negative”.[14]
The gap in the Knowledge; of the role of law students in nation building can be seen in the fact that, there are drought of written articles, materials and books in this area of knowledge. There exist some few works on role of students but the law students are first in the categories of students and therefore deserve special attention and special role. While the law students belongs to the category of “Learned students” other students (whatever his or her discipline) with all due respect are “educated students”. This is because, a law student is “Jack of all trade, master of all”. His or Her knowledge must involve every aspect of life.
In conclusion on the statement of the problem; we hereby state that, it is as a result of the problems highlighted above and the need to proffer adequate solutions to them, that we decided to put up this work, as this will give a perfect road map as to how the law students will serve as the lubricant for nation building.[15]
The Legal Profession is a Specialize Profession in the World because it has to do with provision of various services and welfare to the citizens and the nation at large. Because the Legal Profession has to do with justice, therefore both the members of the Legal Profession and Law Students must play important roles in nation building, by way of preservation of peace, justice and the development of the society generally.[16] Whether or not this role has been, is being or likely to be achieved or not will be unraveled in our work herein.
There exist no doubt that Lawyers and at the same time Law Students play important role in building a nation, it is true that no one nation all over the World whether as at today or in the time past has survived or can survive without the Laws being put in place. This Laws dealt with a lot of issues such as education, safety, government, policies, economy generally, and different aspect of life. The Law students in conjunction with the Lawyers who themselves were law students or are still Law Lecturers who themselves were students or still students at the post graduate level assist in contributing to the development of the law and thereby playing a vital role in the development of a nation and nation building. If you take away the Law students from a nation or stop them from participating in building a nation, that nation is bound to fail. Whether or not this role has been, is being or likely to have been performed very well will be seen later in this work.[17]
From our discussion above, we have seen the role of Law students as necessary catalyst for nation building. The Law students just like the lawyers are the custodians and carriers of Rule of Law, they can always sue to court for abuse of powers, they are more often the watch dogs in decision making process.
The rule of Law is seen as a liberty centered constitutional concept which stipulates that everything must be done in accordance with the Law. It also encapsulate such ideals as government according to the law, equality before the law and the independence and autonomy of the judiciary among others.[18]
Also in the locus-classicus case of GOV OF LAGOS STATE VS OJUKWU.[19]
The Supreme Court held as follows;
The Law is no respecter of persons, principalities, government, or powers and courts stand between the citizens and the government to see that the state or government is bound by Law and respect the Law.
The Supreme Court further in the above case[20] stated more clearly what it meant by rule of law thus;
That the state is subject to Law.
That the judiciary is a necessary agency of the rule of Law.
That government should respect the right of individual citizen under the rule of rule.
That the judiciary is assigned both by the rule of law and by our constitution the role of the determination of all the actions and proceedings relating to matters in dispute between persons or between Government or authority and any person in Nigeria.
There has been so many cases on the issue of rule of law which includes but not limited to the case of AG. LAGOS STATE VS AG FED & ORS.[21]
The Law students are potential lawyers, as they are the crop of distinguished lawyers who have contributed to the development of several countries especially Nigeria.
Lawyers such as Chief Rotimi Williams (SAN), Late Chief Gani Fawehinmi, SAN of blessed memory, Chief Femi Falana, SAN, Olisa Agbakoba, SAN, Late, and many more Lawyers too numerous to mention who have contributed to nation building including my humble self were students before we became lawyers. In our own little ways, we have contributed to the development of the nation.[22]
There were many things wrong with our system which this Lawyers actually changed for the better even though they paid dearly to change the excesses in the society. In other words without being a potential Lawyer as law student, you can’t be a Lawyer not to talk of building the nation as a Lawyer.
The Judges in Nigeria with respect to some of their decisions have contributed to nation being.[23] But the question is; before becoming a judge, who was Judge? Who was the magistrate, Khadi Customary Judge? My Lords at the various high courts[24] Federal High Court,[25] National Industrial Court,[26] Sharia Court of Appeal,[27] Customary Court of Appeal,[28] Court of Appeal,[29] and the Supreme Court?[30]
A lot of Law Students would be Judges of the various courts we have mentioned. A lot of former Law Students are now Judges of the various courts we have mentioned above. A lot of them will and have delivered landmark decisions which have contributed to nation building and a lot of the law students will contribute to the development of the nation or put in another way, a lot will contribute to nation building. However, we shall eventually see whether or not this contributions are enough or not for nation building.
There have been Law Students who contested elections and became either members of the State Assemblies or National Assembly. They have contributed to Law making which has become part of nation building. Because they understood the position of the Law, the bills they presented or contributed to their debates before the various Legislative houses are always sound and with the mind set of nation building. They usually detects loopholes in Legislation which may not be seen by non Lawyers or a non-Law students.[31]
We have seen lots of Law students now in government or areas of the economy. They concluded their studies, contested election and won several elective positions. We have some Law Students who even as students are special Advisers to Governors and other Chief Executives in different areas of the economy.
The Law Students themselves are leaders in their own right and they form pressure group against excesses of government and other leaders in the society. The Law students have contributed to nation building when they find themselves putting pressure on how to stop;[32]
Waste of scarce resources
iii. Destruction of educational growth
Destruction of public institutions and facilities.
Destruction of university facilities
Destruction of ethical standard in all sphere of life, etc.
The Law students belong to many religious organizations, they have used it to assist nation building. There exist various religious groups of Islam and Christianity. There are various students groups of Islam and Christianity and subsequently we now have the emergence of law students groups of Islam and Christianity.
They have on their own contributed to discourse on national unity and cohesion including nation building. There have been inter-religious activities geared towards nation building.[33]
We shall also find out whether the above role have been properly carried out to the satisfaction of right thinking members of the society.
The Law students with all due respect as at today, have become inactive with respect to nation building. The Law students are no longer united as they used to be in their quest to nation building. They do not care any longer about the issues such as education, safety, government policies, economy generally, and different aspect of life. In fact the voices of the Law students who were expected to lead in student unionism as it was before have been subjugated under the main student union big umbrella in the school who themselves are docile now.[34]
The main Law Student Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN) have become docile and just waiting for election and what they must gain personally. Their voices are hardly heard on serious national issues,
We have discussed what rule of law means earlier in this work. The question is; Can the Law students be said to be involved in any public-interest litigation of recent? How many cases were filed in court challenging any breach of rule of law recently? How many voices of Law students have we heard of recent of the need to stop draconian laws in democracy period? How many students, inclusive of law students have been fought for either in court, or through massive awareness? Certainly the situation in this regard has become too unfortunate that the law students may not be encouraged to fight for anyone’s right as you may suffer without assistance from the law students.[35]
There is the adage saying “As you lay your bed, so you will lie on it”. The question is; Does the Legal Profession not expect the highest level of standard ethical value from both the law students and by extension the Lawyers? Certainly, the answer is “Yes”.
In order to participate in nation building properly a Law student must set standards. He must be first in performing in all spheres of life and be worthy of emulation by not only his fellow students of other faculties but by the members of the larger society. He must command respect and not “force respect” to be given to him.
In discussing the issue of “Ethics as the fulcrum of the legal profession”; crux of a successful lawyer and a just society, I stated that;
“The Lawyer is expected to uphold and observe the rule of Law, promote and foster the cause of justice, maintain a high standard of professional conduct and shall not engage in any conduct which is unbecoming of a legal-practitioner”[36]
It is unfortunate that just as we have very refined Lawyers today, there are those who are allowing the standards to fall. The same way we also have so many fantastic judges, we equally have with all due respect, judges who tend to derail in course of performing their sacred duties.
Most of our law students today are students but majority of them will be judges and would have forgotten that today, they are hearing us delivering this paper. There are judges when they deliver their judgment, you can see industries and would always want to read it over and over again. There are judges, when they deliver judgment, with all due respect;[37]
you will regret being a member of the legal-profession.
you will begin to ask question on which criteria was used to appoint him or her as a judge.
iii. you will see technical justice even when on several occasion the supreme court has said that the law has moved away from placing emphasis on “technicalities” but on “substantial justice”.
how will you have imagined a judge of the Federal High Court dismissing a case of oil spillage on ground that claiming for “general damages” and special damages is not the same as “claiming for compensation”? The Blacks Law Dictionary stated that the words are the same.
How will you have been involved in a case and a judge descend into the arena of case by abusing the Lawyer and disgracing him for no just cause?
No wonder, in the case of MUSA VS PINNACLE COMMERCIAL BANK & ANR (2019) LPELR 48016[38] the court while looking at the duty of a judge stated thus;
“It must be remembered that counsel who appear before the court to represent parties in cases/matters are as much as the judges, officers of the courts who deserve to be treated with respect in the conduct of proceedings. Even in situation where the conduct of a counsel calls for criticism or admonition by the court, appropriate language to be employed by the court should be courteous, decent, but firm such that the message would be direct and clear, but not scurribus, abusive and disparaging of the personal integrity and character of counsel. Judges as representatives of the creator on Earth in the Temple of Justice are expected to be above the ordinary and be extra-ordinary in patience, dignity, decency and humanity in words and actions in the court rooms where they are “Lords” and outside the court…”
The Law students who find themselves in position of authority, what have they done as law makers in terms of legislation? While most law students are outside the Political arena, they seem to criticize very well, once they are there, because, money might have started coming in whether genuinely or otherwise, they tend to forget those statements they had made earlier.[39]
There have really been some law students who are Special Advisers to some Governors or even Executive officer in some companies servicing the nation economy, but the question is; what have been their contribution to the nation economy? Certainly, there have been no meaningful contributions in the regard.[40]
Worst still even some of the Law students who eventually became lawyers and eventually became Governors or Deputy Governors or Minister don’t even talk again to majority of the law students or lawyers in order not to be allowed to give advice on how to contribute to nation building.
In this area, the level of contributions of the law students as at today has been very low and nothing to reckon with. There has been seminars, symposiums, dinners and talk show all aimed at contributing to nation building but members of the public cannot be said to enjoy much awareness in this area. This activities have been too scanty across the nation with low publicity even at that. Even the Law students allowed themselves to be in disunity during election and aftermath effect of the election. Some Executive members have been labeled “Corruption chairman” and how can such body or group of Law Students, then fight corruption, fight for provision of social and infrastructural amenities?
As at today, there exist no electricity supply and even when managed to be provided, it is inconsistent with reality, epileptic, inadequate and disruptive. Most companies and private residences, provides their own electricity through the use of generators and solar energies causing increase in prices of goods and services.[41]
While majority of the Law students are divided along the line of Islam and Christianity, thereby lowering the impact/role of Law students in nation building, the third group goes for cultism, and even in this area of cultism, they are further divided into between 6 to 10 different groups who are involved in show of superiority by attacking and killing each other.
How can you even find the Law students who are assumed to know better educationally, religiously, morally and socially being involved in cult-related activities and religious intolerance? This is certainly one of the worst situation the Law students find themselves which had led to falling standard in the educational career of the Law students as they require high level of concentration to read and prepare for examinations.[42]
We introduced the subject matter of this work which is “the role of the Law students in nation building”. This introduction also featured the key definition of the following terms;
Law Students
iii. Nation Building
furthermore, since the work dealt with the Law students and nation building, we made references to internet materials, case laws and statutes/provisions of the Nigerian Constitution.
In order to justify our work with regards to the topic, we used “statement of the problem” to critically examine the topic in order to do justice to it by arriving at a verdict.
What we did first was to look at the positive role of the Law Students to nation building. We critically assessed the positive role of the law students by examining their negative role and we accordingly could see that, the role of the law students as at today to nation building is very low with all due respect and there is the need to improve seriously on this role in order not to be relegated to the background among those striving harder for a near perfect nation building which one can be proud of.
From the work which we have presented, it is herein recommended as follows;
There should be articles to be published in reputable journals including student journals on the discussed topic.
There should be more talk-show/paper presentation in Law Dinners organized for Law students and many more should be organized.
The government should specially create special Entrepreneurship projects for Law students and they must actually be encouraged to provide the necessary support towards the encouragement of Entrepreneurship which is very important for the Law students role in nation building to succeed.
There is the need for unity between the various law students and the national body on one hand and the law students themselves.
There must be religious tolerance, among the students.
From our discussion, it can be seen with all due respect, that the Law students have been participating in nation building but the role of the law students in nation building has reduced to the lowest ebb.
Mrs. Farida Wasiri; The role of the Bar in the fight against corruption; A template from my experiences; published in N.B.A Bar perspective, August, 2011 pages 68 – 69.
Amuda-Kannike A., SAN; A paper presented at the Nigeria Association of Muslim Law Students National Seminar at Faculty of Law, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Kwara State.
Amuda-Kannike, A., SAN; The Effect of Leadership and Entrepreneurship on Law, Security and National Unity; A paper presented at the 3rd Leadership submit/induction award at Uniport, River State on 5/10/2019
Amuda-Kannike A. SAN; The Effect of Rule of Law, Security and National Peace on Entrepreneurship development and Economic Transformation in Nigeria; A paper presented at Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State on 30/11/2019
Amuda-Kannike A. SAN; How Relevant is Entrepreneurship to Law, Good Governance, Democracy, Reduction in Social Vices, Illegality and Insecurity; A paper presented at Covenant University on 3/8/2019
GOV OF LAGOS STATE VS OJUKWU (1986)1 NWLR (Part 18) pg621
Section 276 of the 1999 Constitution as amended. Section 255 of the Constitution for FCT Judges.
Section 250 of the 1999 Constitution as amended.
Section 254(B) of the 1999 Constitution as amended.
Section 261 of the 1999 Constitution as amended and 260 of the constitution for FCT.
Section 281 of the Constitution and Section 266 of the Constitution
Section 238 of the 1999 Constitution.
Section 231 of the 1999 Constitution.
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus; see: dictionary.cambridge.org; Accessed through the internet on Wednesday the 24th of February, 2021 at 1am
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English; role meaning; see: www.idoceonline.com.dictionary; Accessed through the internet on Wednesday the 24th of February, 2021 at 1:30am
Oxford Dictionary of English; see: dictionary.cambridge.org>role; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 11:16am
Collins Dictionary; see: www.collinsdictionary.com>dictionary; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 12:05pm
National Building; see: www.dec.gov.org.29>content>5-what…; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 1pm
Gambari Ibrahim A.; “The Challenges of Nations Building; The case of Nigeria” 9th February, 2007; Mustapha Akanbi Foundation 9th May, 2014: http://www.mafng.org/anniversary/challengenationbuildingnigeria.htm; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 1:30pm
A problem or statement of a problem is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon. It identifies the gap between the current state and desired state of a process or product, focusing on the facts, the problem statement should be designed to address. See; problem statement; https://en.m.wikipedia.org; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 11:48pm
The role of the Law Student; see: heinonline.org; Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 2:03am
Rule of Law; See: www.ajol.info; Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 11am
The Nigerian Judiciary; see: lawpad.com; how to be a Judge Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 4:20pm
National Parliament; See: www.loc.gov; Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 5:29pm
[1] Since Law Students are group of persons within the society, they must be a participant in nation building either positively or negatively.
[2] The keywords definition will enable the reader to appreciate the topic presented herein
[3] Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus; see: dictionary.cambridge.org; Accessed through the internet on Wednesday the 24th of February, 2021 at 1am
[4] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English; role meaning; see: www.idoceonline.com.dictionary; Accessed through the internet on Wednesday the 24th of February, 2021 at 1:30am
[5]Oxford Dictionary of English; see: dictionary.cambridge.org>role; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 11:16am
[6] Collins Dictionary; see: www.collinsdictionary.com>dictionary; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 12:05pm
[7] National Building; see: www.dec.gov.org.29>content>5-what…; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 1pm
[8] Gambari Ibrahim A.; “The Challenges of Nations Building; The case of Nigeria” 9th February, 2007; Mustapha Akanbi Foundation 9th May, 2014: http://www.mafng.org/anniversary/challengenationbuildingnigeria.htm; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 1:30pm
[9] He was more concerned about what should be an ideal relationship of human beings, and utilization of their resources for a just society.
[10] The essence of building a nation is centered around the people who are the major beneficiaries.
[11] A problem or statement of a problem is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon. It identifies the gap between the current state and desired state of a process or product, focusing on the facts, the problem statement should be designed to address. See; problem statement; https://en.m.wikipedia.org; Accessed through the internet on 25/2/2021 at 11:48pm
[12] The analysis in this area of work will give a link to the role of law students in nation building.
[13] There are problems, the more you try to get them solved, the more they reared out their heads.
[14] Except we critically examine the student matter of this work, a fair assessment of the role of law students in nation building may not be achievable and with the situation of the economic and security challenges all over the World especially in Nigeria, the law students must not be seen being passive in their attitude towards nation building.
[15] There is the need for concluding this aspect of the statement of the problem in order to give the topic a “researchable identity”.
[16] The role of the Law Student; see: heinonline.org; Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 2:03am
[17] This work involves critical examination which will must look at.
[18] Rule of Law; See: www.ajol.info; Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 11am
[19] (1986)1 NWLR (Part 18) pg621
[20] 20 Supra
[21] (2013) LPELR 20974(SC)
[22] A lot of lawyers in the process of Nation building got arrested, maimed, killed, assaulted and incapacitated.
[23] The Nigerian Judiciary; see: lawpad.com; how to be a Judge Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 4:20pm
[24] Section 276 of the 1999 Constitution as amended. Section 255 of the Constitution for FCT Judges.
[25] Section 250 of the 1999 Constitution as amended.
[26] Section 254(B) of the 1999 Constitution as amended.
[27] Section 261 of the 1999 Constitution as amended and 260 of the constitution for FCT.
[28] Section 281 of the Constitution and Section 266 of the Constitution
[29] Section 238 of the 1999 Constitution.
[30] Section 231 of the 1999 Constitution.
[31] National Parliament; See: www.loc.gov; Accessed through the internet on 26/2/2021 at 5:29pm
[32] This is one of the serious aspect of the role of law students to nation building but the ability to properly carry out same should be properly scrutinized.
[33] Because this has to do with Law students, we expect much understanding of a united efforts in nation building.
[34] Mrs. Farida Wasiri; The role of the Bar in the fight against corruption; A template from my experiences; published in N.B.A Bar perspective, August, 2011 pages 68 – 69.
[35] In the commencement part of the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) Rules, 2009 made pursuant to chapter iv of the constitution, it states that the court shall encourage and welcome public interest litigations in human rights field and no human rights case may be dismissed or struck out for want of locus standi.
[36] Amuda-Kannike A., SAN; A paper presented at the Nigeria Association of Muslim Law Students National Seminar at Faculty of Law, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Kwara State.
[37] Majority of our Judges with all due respect are two technical in their approach to doing justice with all due respect. This has contributed more to tension and upheaval in the society rather than nation buildings.
[38] (2019) LPELR – 48016: This case is apt and direct to the point. Most Lawyers applauded the decision because they felt they have been embarrassed and intimidated by their own former colleagues who are now on the bench. This decision however did not say we should disrespect judges because respect is reciprocal.
[39] Most Lawyers or law students who have become law makers do not often see themselves again as “Lawyers” but as politicians. This ultimately affect nation building.
[40] Amuda-Kannike, A., SAN; The Effect of Leadership and Entrepreneurship on Law, Security and National Unity; A paper presented at the 3rd Leadership submit/induction award at Uniport, Rivers State on 5/10/2019
[41] Amuda-Kannike A. SAN; The Effect of Rule of Law, Security and National Peace on Entrepreneurship development and Economic Transformation in Nigeria; A paper presented at Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State on 30/11/2019
[42] Amuda-Kannike A. SAN; How Relevant is Entrepreneurship to Law, Good Governance, Democracy, Reduction in Social Vices, Illegality and Insecurity; A paper presented at Covenant University on 3/8/2019
In this article: