By Chris Emejuru
Today, October 1, 2020 marks 60 years of Independence. For our history to remain relevant, we must also remember 50. That is 50 years since the end of the Biafra War. What have we learned? Marginalisation of the Igbo people still remains with some still agitating for separation. Indeed, the Igbo people have suffered but during the three years of the civil war, we as a nation, Hausa, Yoruba, Ikwerre and every other minority group have felt the pains of a nation still trying to find its identity.
As a young man who lived in America, travelling to the different states in Nigeria, I had developed friendships regardless of tribe, ethnicity, or religion. In fact, I learned quickly that those who want to divide us, usually do it for political or economic gain. However, as human beings, we seem to forget that what makes each of us different is our greatest strength. With acceptance comes power. With power comes progress. “We are a nation of immigrants. Immersed in many languages, ethnicities, tribes, and cultures we co-exist in understanding that we are one people, under one flag, and that is Nigeria.” (A Pledge for the Establishment of a Sustainable Future).
We say that we must “defend her unity and uphold her honour and glory, So, help me God.” That is the allegiance I believe of a greater destiny.
I believe in Nigeria. I believe in the people. I believe in our Independence and that its purpose is still yet to be achieved. People are suffering. Lack of inconsistent electricity, lack of money to spend, bad roads, there are those who cant afford to pay their hospital expenses, and insecurity (kidnapping, armed robbery, banditry) which plagues every region of our country is still rampant. Politicians promise the world, yet deliver you nothing.